In this integration, MedGEO leverages the information in our platform about the usage of items to detect items that are low on stock, and uses that to place orders on the Supply Chain Service that the partner has. MedGEO allows for configuring par values for each item, which will trigger the flow in MedGEO platform to take action on items that are low on stock, where one of the potential action is to place an automatic order in the Supply Chain Service of the partner.
Communication Protocol |
Supported Fields |
JSON Schema Example for Item Inventory | |
JSON Data Example:
Show JSON{ "requisitionID": "REQ12345678", "orderType": "Replenishment", "product": { "requisitionProductID": "12345", "catalogNumber": "CN202032", "vendorName": "MedSupply Inc.", "modelNumber": "MN1234", "lot": "LOT202032", "serial": "SN2020320001", "expirationDate": "2025-12-31", "cost": 250.00, "orderedQty": 100 }, "costCenter": "CC100", "orderCreationDate": "2024-05-23", "createdBy": "John Doe" } This JSON format contains an inventory order, including details about the product and order specifics. It is adaptable to various configurations as required by partner systems. |
XML Schema Example for Item Inventory | |
XML Data Example:
<InventoryOrder> <RequisitionID>REQ12345678</RequisitionID> <OrderType>Replenishment</OrderType> <Product> <RequisitionProductID>12345</RequisitionProductID> <CatalogNumber>CN202032</CatalogNumber> <VendorName>MedSupply Inc.</VendorName> <ModelNumber>MN1234</ModelNumber> <Lot>LOT202032</Lot> <Serial>SN2020320001</Serial> <ExpirationDate>2025-12-31</ExpirationDate> <Cost>250.00</Cost> <OrderedQty>100</OrderedQty> </Product> <CostCenter>CC100</CostCenter> <OrderCreationDate>2024-05-23</OrderCreationDate> <CreatedBy>John Doe</CreatedBy> </InventoryOrder> This XML schema contains an order within the MedGEO system, detailing essential information about the product and the order. |