In this integration, MedGEO receives information about products prices from the hospital, and uses that to compute surgery cost after capturing usage. MedGEO supports multiple standards to do this, like FHIR and receiving products in XML over HTTP requests or XML in files over SFTP.

In this document, we will detail what fields does MedGEO support receiving for product prices information, and how to send this information through different protocols and data formats.

Communication Protocol
  • FHIR: If the partner can offer prices information through a FHIR server, for example using Device or SupplyDelivery endpoints, then MedGEO would be able to read the information from it.
  • XML/JSON over HTTPS or SFTP:MedGEO can offer endpoints to read product prices sent in Json or XML formats. The format can be flexible and agreed on with the partner, as long as it contains the required fields.
  • XML/JSON over HTTPS or SFTP:If the partner offers an API where MedGEO can call to get this information, then we can configure the integration service of MedGEO to call the API of the partner and parse the data in the agreed upon format with the partner to read master product information
  • HL7 over HTTPS, SFTP or MLLP:This is not a common way of reading prices information but if this information is available in OMS and OMN messages then MedGEO's integration service can be configured to read it from those messages.
Supported Fields
  • Item Master Fields:
    • Device Id
    • Version Model Number
    • UDI
    • Lot
    • Batch
    • Serial
    • Manufacturing Date
    • Expiration Date
    • Cost
Example of JSON Schema for Product Costing
JSON Example:
                    "products" : [{
                        "DeviceId": "12345",
                        "VersionModelNumber": "XJ2024",
                        "UDI": "U1234567890",
                        "Lot": "LOT202402",
                        "Batch": "BATCH99382",
                        "Serial": "SN0298374",
                        "ManufacturingDate": "2023-01-15",
                        "ExpirationDate": "2028-01-15",
                        "Cost": 299.99

This JSON schema is the default supported schema by MedGEO. We can customize the schema to match any partner-specific requirements for seamless integration.

Example of XML Schema for Product Costing
XML Example:

This XML schema is the default supported one of how item master data might be structured. MedGEO can adapt to various XML formats based on partner specifications to ensure accurate data exchange.

Data Submission Methods
  • API Submission: MedGEO accepts JSON or XML data via HTTPS POST requests to endpoints like /api/v1/inbound/costing and /api/v1/inbound/costing/xml. This facilitates real-time updates and integration.
  • SFTP Submission: Files in JSON or XML format can also be securely uploaded to our SFTP server. MedGEO provides a directory specific to each partner, ensuring secure and structured data storage and retrieval.
  • API Read: MedGEO has the ability to call the API of the partner to get the prices information. this is a long polling call where it is performed once a day to load all of the prices.